Athlete of the Month

1. What is your nickname?  Linds, Lulu 2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit?  I enjoy hanging with my family, friends, and doggo. I’m a big fan of board games and card games. I also like reading a good book and learning about topics that relate to my job (nerd alert). 3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse?  I changed jobs and needed a gym closer to work that I could still make class times for and Eclipse was that perfect fit.  4. What motto or phrase do you live by?  “Comparison is the thief of joy” Also, “fake it ‘til you make it” 5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing?  I prefer Hip-Hop, but most of the time I don’t hear the music anyway lol 6. What is your favorite WOD?  Anything with a heavy barbell  7. What is your...
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Athlete of the Month: 1. What is your nickname? Tomdog, long story that goes back to when we used to train and run hunting dogs.  2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit? Shooting guns, 2A advocacy, and running.  3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse? My youngest son Wyatt, was doing the Barbell club.  4. What motto or phrase do you live by? There are several, but I use these two a lot. “You are capable of doing more than you think you can” and “ Consistency is the key”.  5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing? 80s rock, but I usually don’t pay attention to it during the WOD.  6. What is your favorite WOD? Probably Murph because it combines running with body weight movements.  7. What is your favorite cheat Food(s)? Burgers & Fries. 8. What is one thing you have...
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Athlete of the Month: 1. What is your nickname?  Danny 2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit?  Drums and golf. 3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse?  CMFG 4. What motto or phrase do you live by?  The cave you fear to enter holds the teasure you seek. 5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing? Metal, EDM 6. What is your favorite WOD?  Anything with a barbell. 7. What is your favorite cheat Food(s)?  Blueberry Shake 8. What is one thing you have done at CFE that you never thought you would do? N/A yet. 9. What motivates you through your CrossFit journey?  My life outside the gym. 10. What results have you seen so far in coming to CFE?  Better Conditioning. 11. Do you have any special or successful CrossFit Eclipse memories/moments? Power clean PR 255. 12. What sort of life changes...
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Athlete of the Month: 1. What is your nickname? T or Tash  2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit? Hobbies: Riding bikes with Carter and Ryan, watching Carter learn new sports (he doesn’t always love them though). Talent/Skills: baking, hair/nails/makeup, cleaning (yes it’s a skill when you’re OCD).  3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse? I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2011, I started at CrossFit Tulsa then eventually went to 918 CrossFit – both closed their doors. Ryan and I tried out several other boxes but Aaron sent a personalized Thank You which speaks volumes.  4. What motto or phrase do you live by? It’s not always going to be easy, but you’ll figure it out and learn during the process.  5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing? Depends; if I’m just looking to move and recover I love country but if it’s...
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1. What is your nickname?  Most people end up calling me Daniel, Dan, or DJ. Also used to Jordan, but that’s just the cost of having two first names and being in the military over the years. 2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit? I’ve been tied into the music scene around Tulsa for quite some time although I’ve recently hung the hat up, but I still enjoy playing music. Big time gardener and outdoorsman, anything to keep my hands busy. I’ll take a project to do over watching Netflix any day of the week. 3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse?  My wife & I had our first kiddo in December 2023. I proceeded to eat my heart out and was probably in the worst shape I’ve ever been with the diet of a 13 year old fat kid. I didn’t like looking at...
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