Name: Allison Edwards
Age: 35
Occupation: Manager of Rates and Regulatory Analysis at ONE Gas.
When did you first start CrossFit?
I first started CrossFit in 2012.
Tell us about your sports & fitness background.
I have always been and love to be active. I went to a smaller, local high school, so I was able to play a variety of sports. I played volleyball, softball, tennis, and basketball. Of those sports, I enjoyed basketball the most. Once in college, I started going to your basic gym. I would do some running on the treadmill and hit up the machine weights. I got bored. So, I decided to focus on running more and began to run 5Ks and 10Ks. In 2009-2010, I trained for and ran the OKC Marathon. It was an incredible experience. Up to that point in my fitness journey, I could not recall pushing myself to that level.
How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go?
Well, I also got bored of running, but I loved that high I got from pushing my fitness level limits. In 2012, I began to learn more about CrossFit, thinking it would be something challenging that I could stick with and enjoy. I joined 918 CrossFit in 2012. I remember walking into 918 CrossFit for the first time for the “green ramp” class. The regular Saturday class was finishing up the WOD. As I watched the athletes, I was thinking to myself…” What have you got yourself into?! You are either going to love this or you are going to die”.
I immediately fell in love with CrossFit. I loved the variations in workouts, the intensity, and the feeling of getting better. I will never forget how sore I was those first few months. However, I loved it because I knew I was getting faster and stronger! Gainzzz!
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit?
I am in the best shape of my life because of CrossFit. My body is strong and capable. I love how strong I have become. My physical and mental health are great. My fitness gained from CrossFit has allowed me to enjoy physical activities outside – from road biking to house projects.
What impact has CrossFit had on your life?
CrossFit has truly changed my life. I have found my fitness home. Mentally, I have more confidence and inner strength. CrossFit has taught me to do things that intimidate me and to get out of my comfort zone. This has positively impacted both my personal and professional life and I am so grateful.
What is your advice for people getting started or thinking about starting CrossFit?
If you are thinking about it or just getting started, do it and commit! You can start CrossFit at any point in your life or fitness level. Being consistent and patient has been key for me. Don’t talk yourself out of showing up. After the WOD is over, no matter what it is, I am never sorry I showed up and did the work.
What are your hobbies, interests, and other talents outside of CrossFit?
I love to road bike, hike with our dogs, and travel. I enjoy volunteering and am on the board at a local non-profit organization.
What’s the wallpaper of your phone?
My dog-child, Walter.