Name: Blake Faluotico
Age: 33
Occupation: HVAC Tech
When did you first start CrossFit?
I have been doing CrossFit now for around 8 months and first started at CFE in October of 2020!
Tell us about your sports & fitness background.
I have been doing strength training in regular gyms since my freshman year of college. So, for around 14 years now. I also enjoy running and cycling. My biggest fitness accomplishment was in 2019 as I ran the Route 66 Marathon sub 4hrs in honor of my Mom. I do not have much of a sports background but I would call myself a weekend warrior on the golf course!
How did you first get intoCrossFit? How did it go?
A friend of mine introduced me to CrossFit and at first, I was terrible at it. I Pretty much started in the beginner program and have since graduated to a foundation’s athlete. Many of the CrossFit Eclipse members, coaches and owners would now refer to me as an elite foundation’s athlete. I am very proud of my progress.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit?
Even with being fairly fit coming into CrossFit, it has provided me with a new pathway to a level of fitness I have never been able to achieve in the past. This includes significant improvements to both mental and physical health! The biggest change I have seen since starting CrossFit would have to be in both mobility and leg strength! I started CrossFit with minimal leg strength and now I am Deadlifting with a PR of 415#’s and growing.
What impact has CrossFit had on your life?
As wild as this may sound it’s had a huge impact on my life. It has opened up so many amazing friendships that will last a lifetime. The support system and daily entertainment from the diversity of the CrossFit Eclipse member base creates a great vibe in the gym. A very welcoming and fun atmosphere.
What is your advice for people getting started or thinking about starting CrossFit?
To put any pre-conceived thoughts about CrossFit aside and give it a try for a month. I dare you. For most people it will be worth it!
What are your hobbies, interests, and other talents outside of CrossFit?
Wait, is there a life outside of CrossFit? Please tell me what it’s like? Just kidding. I enjoy real estate, hiking and traveling. I have been to 49 states and would love to plan a cool adventurous trip to Alaska to complete seeing all 50!
What’s the wallpaper of your phone?
Palm trees on my most recent trip to Florida. I was a Beach Bum in my previous life.