Open Gym

The Best 24/7 Gym in Tulsa
Open Gym Near Me In South Tulsa, Oklahoma

At CrossFit Eclipse, we strive to offer a variety of class times & Open Gym times to meet the various scheduling needs of our members. We offer Open Gym time 7 days a week. Open gym times are available to our Unlimited members for extra accessory work, skill work, missed WODs, or individual program work.

Open Gym is a great time for athletes to come in and work on a weakness, an elusive gymnastic skill (double-unders, handstands, muscle-ups, etc), or technical Olympic lifts. Class times are limited and we don’t always get to spend as much time as we’d like on certain skills or technical lifts. Time spent in Open Gym can create forward progress on such movements.

Open gym is also allowed during most classes as long as it doesn’t interfere with regular class. Class always has priority over space and equipment.

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