September Athlete of the Month- Lindsey Smith

1. What is your nickname? 

Linds, Lulu

2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit? 

I enjoy hanging with my family, friends, and doggo. I’m a big fan of board games and card games. I also like reading a good book and learning about topics that relate to my job (nerd alert).

3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse? 

I changed jobs and needed a gym closer to work that I could still make class times for and Eclipse was that perfect fit. 

4. What motto or phrase do you live by? 

“Comparison is the thief of joy”

Also, “fake it ‘til you make it”

5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing? 

I prefer Hip-Hop, but most of the time I don’t hear the music anyway lol

6. What is your favorite WOD? 

Anything with a heavy barbell 

7. What is your favorite cheat Food(s)? 

Andy’s ice cream

8. What is one thing you have done at CFE that you never thought you would do? 

I thought hitting a 160# snatch one day would be pretty cool. Since being at Eclipse and joining Barbell Club I’ve hit 160 and have proceeded to surpass my lifetime goal by 10#s. Pretty shocking, but also really exciting! 

9. What motivates you through your CrossFit journey? 

Honestly, getting to workout with Brian and my friends is what motivates me to show up and makes CrossFit fun. I’m pretty competitive with myself more than I am against other people, so beating my former self is a huge motivator for me to improve. 

10. What results have you seen so far in coming to CFE?

I feel like I’ve gotten stronger overall which has carried over into better gymnastics capacity and moving moderate weights faster. 

11. Do you have any special or successful CrossFit Eclipse memories/moments? 

Still riding the high of that 170# snatch. Okay okay, I’ll shut up about it now. 

12. What sort of life changes have you experienced because of CrossFit that you didn’t expect? 

Because of CrossFit, I met my fiancé which was pretty unexpected. 

Also CrossFit has helped me experience a level of body confidence and self-love I didn’t think I could obtain. 

13. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Eclipse? 

Don’t compare yourself to other people. Everyone is on their own fitness journey. Just because you scale or modify a workout a certain way doesn’t mean you didn’t do great for you! Also, progress isn’t linear so don’t beat yourself up if certain movements don’t go well some days 

14. Current training Goals/PRs? 

Snatch 175, C&J 225, and become efficient/consistent with ring muscle ups. 

15. If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be? 

I love a good team relay! 

“Breathe Later”

Teams of 2 (for 10 rounds?)

2 cleans (225/155)

40 ft handstand walk

6 bar facing burpees 

8 toes to bar

16. Cowboys or Sooners? 

Personally, neither. However Brian is a cowboys fan, so by default I too am a cowboys fan.