Here is a brief outline of each track and what you can expect from these ECLIPSE Programming Extras during our current cycle.
All ECLIPSE athletes have a goal of using class workouts as the centerpiece of their training, but the EXTRA tracks are incredible resources to work towards specific goals, address weaknesses, and take your fitness to the next level.
Eclipse Extra is programming that is meant to compliment class work for a competitive athlete based on their weaknesses or for members who simply want to add in outside work to accomplish specific goals. These tracks offer 3-4 extra pieces weekly and can generally be done in 30-60 minutes. We offer:
- Weightlifting
- Gymnastics
- Structure/Corrective Bodybuilding
- Capacity/Endurance
- Powerlifting
The marriage of ECLIPSE class and the ECLIPSE Extra has allowed our gyms to create happy, high level competitors, while still maintaining our ability to reach the masses who simply want to look and feel better!
ECLIPSE Capacity Extra
- Capacity is an extra track that will focus on improving capacity and stamina in all aspects of CF. Capacity will use running, rowing, skiing, and biking along with other accessory movements.
- During this cycle ECLIPSE Capacity Extra will be utilizing a combination of running, rowing, biking and skiing with other simple CrossFit movements. We will be using the power of ACTIVE REST! Each workout will give you a clear focus of INTENSITY followed by movements that are designated as ACTIVE REST
ECLIPSE Strength Extra
- This track will combine Weightlifting + Powerlifting + Structure. The goal with these is to work on building technical and positional strength that is required for weightlifting, build absolute strength with powerlifting movements, and bulletproof the body and joints with small, but perfect practice in the structure-style accessory work.
- ECLIPSE Strength Extra during this cycle will focus on overhead pressing, Olympic lifting, and squatting to accommodate the patterns we are using in classes. We will be mixing in structure work of different types, as always, to keep your body healthy and strong.
ECLIPSE Gymnastics Extra
- Gymnastics is an extra track that will focus on improving the bodyweight movements commonly found in CrossFit. This will include handstands, pullups, muscle-ups, pistols, rope climbs, toes to bar and variations of these movements.
- ECLIPSE Gymnastics Extra, during this cycle, will be focused on high skill movements for the upper body; mainly the Ring Muscle Up and Handstand Walk. There are scales and progressions for all levels for every movement. Midline training will be a grease the groove style approach, and lower body is focusing on development of power in single leg movements and overall explosiveness.