Name: Allison Edwards Age: 35 Occupation: Manager of Rates and Regulatory Analysis at ONE Gas. When did you first start CrossFit? I first started CrossFit in 2012. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I have always been and love to be active. I went to a smaller, local high school, so I was able to play a variety of sports. I played volleyball, softball, tennis, and basketball. Of those sports, I enjoyed basketball the most. Once in college, I started going to your basic gym. I would do some running on the treadmill and hit up the machine weights. I got bored. So, I decided to focus on running more and began to run 5Ks and 10Ks. In 2009-2010, I trained for and ran the OKC Marathon. It was an incredible experience. Up to that point in my fitness journey, I could not recall pushing myself to that...
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