Name: Michelle Strate
Age: 39
Occupation: RN at Oklahoma Surgical Hospital
When did you first start CrossFit? August 2019
Tell us about your sports & fitness background.
—played volleyball and was on the swim team in High school
—started running and doing 5K mud runs years ago
—power lifting with mixture of different workouts
How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go?
I kinda just wanted to try it one day, husband reached out to the coach at CrossFit Lamar where we used to live, she gave us the opportunity to try it out free for a week and really enjoyed the atmosphere, the friendliness, very welcoming, different workouts, the encouragement and just fell in love with it. My husband and I decided to move to Oklahoma for new beginnings, husband has family here and visited in Nov 2019. While we were here we tried out different gyms and CrossFit Eclipse was our favorite. I started CrossFit Eclipse in February 2020 and have loved it ever since, reminded me a lot like CrossFit Lamar- very welcoming, a gym of not only friends but family, love working out with others, the atmosphere and encouragement, cheering, push and drive from others.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit?
I have overall felt better physically and mentally. I have lost inches, gained muscle, have become stronger, and have met some pretty amazing people.
What impact has CrossFit had on your life?
It has really built my self confidence in myself. Really enjoy working out with others, the different workouts, the encouragement from others and meeting and getting to know some pretty amazing people.
What is your advice for people getting started or thinking about starting CrossFit?
Try it out! It’s a lot of fun! It’s addicting! It’s a rewarding experience! Anyone can do it! The coaches are awesome and will help you in any way, will help you reach your goals and you will meet some pretty amazing people!
What are your hobbies, interests, and other talents outside of CrossFit?
—go to Life.Church at South Broken Arrow
—visiting my 2 kids and family back in Missouri
—have 3 dogs- mini-goldendoodle, standard goldendoodle, and an adopted/rescued ridgeback pit mix —watching medical shows
What’s the wallpaper of your phone?
My husband Bryce holding our standard goldendoodle and picture of me with my 2 kids.