Name: Jason Bentz Age: 42 Occupation: Engineer doing Finance Stuff When did you first start CrossFit? March 10th, 2010 Tell us about your sports & fitness background. My sports and fitness background is very limited. Even though I was a skinny kid growing up, I pretty much had no coordination (and still don’t) when it came to sports. My favorite thing to do growing up, other than playing Nintendo, was playing soccer with the neighbor kids next door. I continued to not show interest in sports growing up, so much so, that I became an “Orch-Dork” as my wife Stacy calls it, and started playing violin in middle school. Once in college, I picked up rock climbing, and actually got decent at it, and even continued doing it after I started working full time. Work eventually took over, and I didn’t know anyone that I worked with that liked to...
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