Athlete of the Month

Name: Xian Zhang Age: 31 Occupation : CRNA (Nurse Anesthetist) When did you first start CrossFit? *July 31, 2017 Tell us about your sports & fitness background. *I never really played much sports growing up. I used to workout at Gold’s gym, but got bored really fast and quit after a few months. How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go? *I first heard of CrossFit from a friend in Kansas, but never tried. I finally signed up for the beginners’ class after seeing great results from my friend Gillian. Once I tried it, I was hooked (like crack, but I get to keep my teeth). What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit? *Since starting CrossFit, I noticed I have more energy and I am happier as a person. Now, some of my clothes fit loosely on me!!...
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Name: Brandon Willis Age: 44 Occupation: Stay at Home Dad When did you first start CrossFit? I started in July of 2015. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. Played football in high school, other than that have not done much, which is why I’m here now! How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go? Ethan had been going to the kids class for a few months and I would just sit there while they did their stuff and wait and watch.  Grace was his coach at the time and would always jokingly (threateningly) ask if I wanted to join the regular class.  Then in July there was a couch to Crossfit class that started and was taught by Osas, July 7 2015 the baseline WOD took me 12:05 to complete and I thought I was going to die, and had no idea how you guys...
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Name: Hailey Wagner Age: 27 Occupation: Stay at home mom. When did you first start CrossFitting? I found CrossFit through my dad and little brother (Brody). They tried to persuade me to try it for a very long time. I thought I knew how to work out on my own given my years of gymnastics and conditioning. Finally, I gave it a try the 1st day Eclipse opened their doors and I was hooked! Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I did competitive gymnastics for 15 years and am a level 10 gymnast and went on to compete as a D1 gymnast at the University of Oklahoma. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit? I have seen an overall physical transformation, I feel healthier, energized, and I’ve had success in the sport of CrossFit and plan to continue down...
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Name: Derek Coffman Age: 32 Occupation: Physical Therapists Assistant When did you first start CrossFitting? I began CF June of 2016. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. 8 Year veteran of the US Army, played football and did Tae Kwon Do for 5 years. How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go? My lieutenant in the military recommended it for me to get to my next promotion level. I had a great experience at my first box but when I move from mid-town to South Tulsa I needed a new place to train. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit? Since starting CF I have noticed I’m much more confident in myself as a whole, even more so than I was before. I have been able to help my patient community as well by integrating more...
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Name: Katie Worthington Age: 32 Occupation: Mental Health Therapist When did you first start CrossFitting? I started in April of 2017. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I have no sports background at all. I was a band nerd and never participated in any type of athletic activities in school. I don’t have an athletic bone in my body. I have spent years attempting to go to the gym and enjoy it but never found anything I really loved. I tried running, yoga, and other various classes at the gym but was never able to stick with something consistently. How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go? I first got into Crossfit due to a few friends of mine who live in other states posting about their experiences and changes they were seeing in their bodies. I had always been cautiously curious but too terrified...
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