What is your name or nickname? Mon
What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit?
Spin, spending time with friends and family.
How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse?
Living Social or Groupon.
What motto or phrase do you live by?
You only live once, make it count.
What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing?
Depends on the day but usually anything gangster.
What is your favorite WOD?
Diane or Barbara or Cindy.
What is your favorite cheat Food(s)?
Mexican food and gummies.
What is one thing you have done at CFE that you never thought you would do?
Ring MU’s and lifting heavy (ish).
What motivates you through your CrossFit journey?
Feeling good in my skin.
What results have you seen so far in coming to CFE?
Improved physical and mental fitness.
Do you have any special or successful CrossFit Eclipse memories/moments?
Competing at KO every year always brings so many great memories
Brian Carol throwing the WB over the target first year nearly hitting someone, me failing the 105 hang cleans and promising myself that I won’t let that happen again, finishing the WORST WOD with the fat bar thrusters…TWICE, switching syncro pull-up styles mid WOD with Ryan Lewis without saying a word to each other, watching Tyler and Corri do DT, and Jason and holly doing the walking lunges…I could go on and on.
What sort of life changes have you experienced because of CrossFit that you didn’t expect?
I didn’t expect to find my second family.
What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Eclipse?
Keep showing up!
Current training Goals/PRs?
Have fun at BYB!
If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?
Calamity – 10 rounds – 10 pull ups, 10 cleans (65), 10 ttb, 10 BF burpees
Cowboys or Sooners?