January 2024: Chris Godfrey

Athlete of the Month:

1. What is your nickname? in HS it was stretch – college, Fodgrey – now most people just yell my last name Godfrey 

2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit? Piano- music – vocal 

3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse? Used to drop in when my gym would be closed for weather or holiday and yall would still be open. Was impressed with coaching and Nate Garcia  and contemplated coming for a couple years actually.

4. What motto or phrase do you live by? Live for today for tomorrow is not promised

5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing? No judgment allowed – 2000’s pop or anything upbeat by fellow Oklahoman Carrie Underwood 🙂 Again, hold the judgment 

6. What is your favorite WOD? Old school – Annie / New school Grettel

7. What is your favorite cheat Food(s)? Pizza and tacos but I’ve found ways to enjoy those with a bit better ingredients that are still good. On the sweet side, it’s gonna be hard to keep me away from coconut pie. 

8. What is one thing you have done at CFE that you never thought you would do? devils presses with 50’s. I dropped into a gym that had 40’s a little over a year ago and could not even get them over my head. 

9. What motivates you through your CrossFit journey? All my fellow community members  kicking butt above 45. 

10. What results have you seen so far in coming to CFE? Incredible coaching that is showing me how to get better at certain movements instead of just using mobility as an excuse. I appreciate being told, “we can help you with that”. 

11. Do you have any special or successful CrossFit Eclipse memories/moments? Winning a Dundie – whatever that is 😂, getting a friend to sign up, and challenging for a top spot in the 200 m, 55# kb lunges and box step overs just this week. That’s my favorite workout here so far. 

12. What sort of life changes have you experienced because of CrossFit that you didn’t expect? in 2017, my doctor gave me three months to get my cholesterol in check or he said I would need to be on medication. That’s when I joined CrossFit. After three months, he told me to keep doing whatever I was doing because it was working. 

13. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Eclipse? i tell my friend who just signed up A. Just be you and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or what weight they are lifting. Compete against yourself. B. Don’t be afraid to ask the coach questions. 

14. Current training Goals/PRs? Going against everything I tell my friend, I will finish a workout faster than Chad Arnold, Daniel Tucker, or Brad Whitmus before I turn 50. I was sooooo close on that run, Kb workout I mentioned above – 😔. I do need to get stronger. Trying to stay one or two days a week after class to lift. 

15. If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be? Running – Hang power Cleans 115# – and Dubs. Those three movements and load are my sweet spot. Three rds for time : 800 m run – 15 hpc – 100 dubs 

16. Cowboys or Sooners? Boomer!!!!!!!! SEC SEC SEC 😆