[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE”]ADD_CONTENT_HERE[/dropcap] BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THIS GUY ^^ A-ARON SCHUPPS BIRTHDAY TODAY SO LETS ALL COME OUT AND WISH HIM A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY. “Cut and Run” 5 Rounds: 800m Run 50” Dumbbell Walking Lunge (70/50#) 10 1-Arm Dumbbell Snatch (70/50#)Read More
“Rock, Paper, Scissors” Teams of 3: AMRAP 7: Back Squat: 50 Reps at 135/95# 50 Reps 185/135# AMRAP at 225/155# Rest 3:00 AMRAP 7: Push Press: 50 Reps at 135/95# 50 Reps at 155/105# AMRAP at 185/135# Rest 3:00 AMRAP 7: Hang Power Clean: 50 Reps at 135/95# 50 Reps at 155/105# AMRAP at 185/135#Read More
Congrats to Roscoe for being our November Athlete of the Month! Roscoe is a little firebug that brings so much energy to the gym everyday. He’s been working his tail off and busting his butt to be the best he can. Roscoe is always all in. Keep up the hard work Roscoe. We love having...Read More