Miranda Sullivan March 2024

Ahlete of the Month:

1. What is your nickname?  Kim Davis’ daughter Sofie calls me nugget because I’m too short to be a chicken tender. 😂

2. What are your favorite hobbies, talents, skills outside of CrossFit? I like to run, knit and read

3. How did you find/get to CrossFit Eclipse? Facebook 

4. What motto or phrase do you live by? Pain is temporary 

5. What is your favorite music to listen to while WODing? Whatever I can dance to  Darius usually has better tunes. 

6. What is your favorite WOD? Hard to say. Hold your horses was fun  

7. What is your favorite cheat Food(s)? Cookies

8. What is one thing you have done at CFE that you never thought you would do? Box Jumps  a newly acquired skilled

9. What motivates you through your CrossFit journey? The 630AM class. Those are my people

10. What results have you seen so far in coming to CFE?  I am getting stronger not just physically but mentally too. I am an introvert. Some of you may find that hard to believe but since joining I have really started coming out of my shell and find my confidence.

11. Do you have any special or successful CrossFit Eclipse memories/moments? Doing box jumps recently. And there was a WOD a while back when Kam was teaching the morning class that had double under. I can’t remember the name of it but I was determined to finished.  I was the last one and peopled stayed to cheer and encourage me until I got that last one done. This is what this is about. We joke about it not being Planet Fitness. But really there is no judgement. 

12. What sort of life changes have you experienced because of CrossFit that you didn’t expect? Finding my confidence as a middle aged person. 

13. What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit Eclipse? Just show up

14. Current training Goals/PRs? Pull up. By golly I’m gonna do it

15. If you could create a WOD and name it for yourself, what would it be?  Flushes we should all go run toilet bowl hill

16. Cowboys or Sooners?

Anybody but Texas