Monday nights are sacred at our house, Bachelor Mondays. Even our 3 year old knows on Mondays Mommy’s friends come over and watch Bachelor. Now do any of them even know who is on this season? No, Monday nights have nothing to do with the Bachelor; it’s all about a group of close friends getting together and catching up. I bet I could put on season 1 of the Bachelor and they wouldn’t even notice.
Humans are social creatures, we need relationships and form them in a variety of ways. With living things- like friends, a partner or pet- or not- sport teams, tv shows, or books. I always refer to the OSU football team in the first person, I’ve invested enough time and energy I’m basically a member of the team. Go Pokes! These relationships are what make our lives full and happy and push us to be better.
My alone time is rare, I have two daughters “quiet” doesn’t exist in our house. But no matter how tired I am from the day nothing makes me happier and feel more alive than those pounding feet racing to me when I walk in the door. They sound like baby elephants, track is not in their future.
You’ve all heard us talk about the “Eclipse Family” and I hope you know it’s not just a hashtag for social media, it’s how we truly feel about each and every member. You can join a gym and be a member at any gym in town, just fill out the form and you now “belong.” That’s not what we are looking for, and we hope it’s not what you are looking for either.
This is what makes Eclipse different- family. We don’t give you one workout and tell you “Good luck, have fun!” We want to get to know you, know your goals, know your problems, know what we can do to help fix them. We want to make sure you know we are here for YOU.
Eclipse membership starts with one-on-one interactions. A meeting with a coach, a tour around the gym, a text, an email, a welcome letter. We want to help you plan your fitness journey so you are achieving YOUR goals, not the standard list of goals most people want and think they need.
If you’ve been around the gym you’ve probably gotten the stink eye from Blayne my 1-year old, she’s a quarantine baby her social skills are a work in progress. But she’s also probably yelled “bye” or given you a high five, not Luke – he still has a ways to go to get in her good graces. She’s at the gym four times a week getting to know people, working on her fears and getting better. You are no different. We’ll welcome you as soon as you walk in, but if you take a while before we get a smile – well we are used to it.
You might have been at other gyms who didn’t focus on form and safety, you might have started a nutrition program that didn’t sustain long lasting results. You might have joined a gym only to realize they only cared about signing you up for additional programs you didn’t need or have any interest in.
You might be entering Eclipse a little skeptical, but I promise we are here for the right reasons.
Inspiration provided by Paul Richards at CrossFitHuttValley.com.