Name: Brittany Amezcua Age: 23 Occupation: Medical Assistant When did you first start CrossFit? I started CrossFit in 2018. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I played soccer for 15 years. But was always in the gym since I was 7. How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go? I was invited by my mom, I wasn’t too sure in the beginning, but afterwards I realized how hard the WODs can be and I love challenges so I continued. Then I got into competitions and fell in love with the sport. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CrossFit? Since I have started CrossFit 3 years ago, I have noticed I dropped over 10lbs, gained a lot of muscle, and my energy level is back up! What impact has CrossFit had on your life? CrossFit has had...
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