
Athlete of the Month
Name: Xian Zhang Age: 31 Occupation : CRNA (Nurse Anesthetist) When did you first start CrossFit? *July 31, 2017 Tell us about your sports & fitness background. *I never really played much sports growing up. I used to workout at Gold’s gym, but got bored really fast and quit after a few months. How did...
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Name: Brandon Willis Age: 44 Occupation: Stay at Home Dad When did you first start CrossFit? I started in July of 2015. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. Played football in high school, other than that have not done much, which is why I’m here now! How did you first get into CrossFit?...
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Name: Hailey Wagner Age: 27 Occupation: Stay at home mom. When did you first start CrossFitting? I found CrossFit through my dad and little brother (Brody). They tried to persuade me to try it for a very long time. I thought I knew how to work out on my own given my years of gymnastics...
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Name: Derek Coffman Age: 32 Occupation: Physical Therapists Assistant When did you first start CrossFitting? I began CF June of 2016. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. 8 Year veteran of the US Army, played football and did Tae Kwon Do for 5 years. How did you first get into CrossFit? How did...
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Name: Katie Worthington Age: 32 Occupation: Mental Health Therapist When did you first start CrossFitting? I started in April of 2017. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I have no sports background at all. I was a band nerd and never participated in any type of athletic activities in school. I don’t have...
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Name: Nick Hollingsworth Age: 35 Occupation: Classic Chevrolet/Finance Director When did you first start CrossFitting? I first started crossfit in Dec 2010. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I played Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer growing up and through high school. I continued to be very active in the gym and intramural sports...
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Name: Evan Plew Age: 23 Occupation: Surgical Services Assistant When did you first start CrossFitting? March 30th of 2017. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I was active growing up and played Volleyball through college. I currently run Marathons and Ultras How did you first get into CrossFit? How did it go? Myself...
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Name: Jake Naylor Age: 44 Occupation: Vice President of Sales When did you first start CrossFitting? I signed up August 25th and started August 26th 2016 Tell us about your sports & fitness background. Played Football and Wrestled in high school Played football at Tulsa for one year How did you first get into CrossFit?...
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Name: Roscoe Rascon Age: 20 Occupation: Full time student/ full time teller When did you first start CrossFitting? Last year around August, didn’t get to serious into it until 3 months ago, and now I love it. Tell us about your sports & fitness background. I played football, then wrestled, then either track or off-season...
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Name: Chaney Wagner AKA Chainz Age: 17 Occupation: Student When did you first start crossfitting? About 2 years ago Tell us about your sports & fitness background? I used to do competitive cheer for 9 years and I cheered for Metro all the way through elementary to junior year. How did you first get into...
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