“Chainsaw” Build to a heavy Power Clean Then, AMRAP 3: 15 Calorie Bike 15 Power Cleans (95/65#) Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3:00 12 Calorie Bike 12 Power Cleans (115/80#) Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3:00 9 Calorie Bike 9 Power Cleans (135/95#)Read More
“Trifecta” Teams of 3: 100 Calorie Bike 75 Calorie Row 50 Power Snatches (115/80#) 100 Calorie Bike 75 Calorie Row 50 Clean and Jerks (115/80#) 100 Calorie Bike 75 Calorie Row 50 Thrusters (115/80#)Read More
HAPPY THANKSGIVIING! 9AM WOD ONLY TODAY TEAM MURPH Teams of 2 1 MILE (1600M) RUN or ROW 100 PULL-UPS 200 PUSHUPS 300 AIR SQUATS 1 MILE (1600M) RUN or ROW *Partners will switch every 4o0 meters on the 1 Mile **Partners will switch every 10 reps on the Pullups/Pushups/SquatsRead More
Thanksgiving and Black Friday (9am) class only! STRENGTH Front Squat (65%/5)4 WOD For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Hang Power Cleans + Push Jerks* (135/95#) *Complete 10 unbroken Hang Power Cleans directly into 10 unbroken Push Jerks, then drop the bar – that is set one. Rest as little as needed to pick up the bar up again...Read More