In teams of 2: 21-15-9-6-3 Deadlift (225/155) Burpees Box Jumps (24/20) *After each Round- 50 Cals- 40 Cals- 30 Cals- 20 Cals-10 Cals(Assault Bike)Read More
Skill: 8 min. EMOM a) 20 sec. HS Hold b) 20 sec. Chin Up Hold WOD: 15-12-9 Power Snatch (95/65) Ring Dips 12-9-6 OHS (95/65) Pull Ups 6-3-1 STO (95/65) Muscle Up(or burpee into pull up)Read More
Strength: a) Build to a heavy Clean and Jerk b) 5 x 2 Clean and Jerks @ 60% every 90 seconds WOD: 3 min. AMRAP 7 Pull Ups 7 KBS (55/35) rest 90 sec. 3 min. AMRAP 7 Deadlifts (135/95) 7 Burpee over barRead More
9am and 10am Class only today. WOD: Teams of 4 or 5 5000m Row 150 Pull-ups 200 Clean & Jerk (115/85) 600 Sit-ups Rotate stations EMOM. Once reps are completed for a particular movement, it becomes a rest station. Time is called once all movements including the row are completed. 35 minute cap. Every unfinished...Read More