Back in my day, Paleo was the answer to everything. Now it seems Keto and intermittent fasting are the go-to diet fads. Personally, I like butter as much as the next guy – but I’d rather not put a whole stick in my coffee every morning. And I’m definitely not waiting all day to eat,...Read More
“PARTNER SNATCH 20.1” For Time – In Partners 10 Rounds Alt. 8 Power Snatch (95/65) 10 Bar-facing Burpees One partner does a round while the other restsRead More
“GOLF TEE” 2 Sets – For 2 Scores 6 min AMRAP 8 Hang Power Cleans 32 Doubleunders Rest 2:00 6 min AMRAP 12 Deadlift 12 Medball Situps (20/14) Rest 2:00 Increase HPC/DL weight in 2nd Set Start AMRAPS at 0:00, 8:00, 16:00, 24:00Read More
Here is a brief outline of each track and what you can expect from these ECLIPSE Programming Extras during our current cycle. All ECLIPSE athletes have a goal of using class workouts as the centerpiece of their training, but the EXTRA tracks are incredible resources to work towards specific goals, address weaknesses, and take your...Read More