
Eclipse Blog
(Spoiler alert: Because we care about them.) We joke about our kid cage, I say I’m going to put a lock on it. I can’t wait until we have an official kid room at the new gym. But it’s (mostly) not to avoid the screams and crying, it’s because I want everyone’s kids safe. I...
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Our main goal at Eclipse is to improve your everyday life. Not achieve a 300# snatch or break a 6 minute mile (although we will definitely cheer you on if you do), but to improve your life every single day. Fitness isn’t a singular achievement, it’s an ever evolving goal that’s unique to each person....
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Back in my day, Paleo was the answer to everything. Now it seems Keto and intermittent fasting are the go-to diet fads. Personally, I like butter as much as the next guy – but I’d rather not put a whole stick in my coffee every morning. And I’m definitely not waiting all day to eat,...
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Here is a brief outline of each track and what you can expect from these ECLIPSE Programming Extras during our current cycle. All ECLIPSE athletes have a goal of using class workouts as the centerpiece of their training, but the EXTRA tracks are incredible resources to work towards specific goals, address weaknesses, and take your...
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Taking Care of Number 1 Lisa has three kids, a spouse and a full-time job. She feels like she can barely go to the bathroom alone.  Jason is a lawyer. He works long hours, sometimes weekends, and likes to visit his daughter at KU when he’s not also training for boxing. Junior started a new...
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Fitness is fashionable, and I’m not talking about Lululemon. People have figured out that high intensity workouts and eating real food lead to great results. So group fitness franchises are popping up on every corner and taking over abandoned Cherry Berry and Blockbuster stores, bringing in their high tech equipment, standard playlists, and newly hired...
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Monday nights are sacred at our house, Bachelor Mondays. Even our 3 year old knows on Mondays Mommy’s friends come over and watch Bachelor. Now do any of them even know who is on this season? No, Monday nights have nothing to do with the Bachelor; it’s all about a group of close friends getting...
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Right now, I dream of the day when I can just sit with nothing to do. Especially if I can make my kids take care of me and bring ME snacks and drinks all day. Retirement? Sign me up! You know what I don’t want to end up happening? Dylan having to help me off...
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