CONGRATS TO OUR ATHLETE OF THE MONTH: TIM KRAMER Tim has been a staple member in our 6:30am class. Maybe not bringing much words but bringing the fire when it comes to giving it his all in every workout. He never complains (out loud at least) and enjoys the process. It’s been great to see...Read More
USA WEIGHTLIFTING SEMINAR MAY 5-6 OPEN & PERFORMANCE“Rope Swing”AMRAP 15:3 Rope Climbs15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)30 AbMat Sit-ups FITNESS“Rope Swing”AMRAP 15:1 Rope Climbs (15′)15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)30 AbMat Sit-ups BODY ARMOR 3 Giant Sets: 12 Single Arm Dumbbell Press 12 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Rest 1:30 between sets.Read More
TRUE AMERICAN FOR TIME (45 CAP) 100 Walking Lunges 50 Pull-ups 100 Box Jumps 50 Ring Dips 200 Air Squats 50 Hand release pushups 100 Calorie Bike 50 Toes to Bar 20 Rope Climbs 400m Farmers CarryRead More
BRING A BUDDY WEEK 3/25-3/30 4 WEEK BEGINNERS COURSE BEGINS APRIL 1st STRENGTH Alternating EMOM x 10 (5 Rounds):Odd Minutes – 1 Round of “Macho Man” **Even Minutes – 2-3 Ring Muscle-Ups or Ring Row Muscle Up Transitions **Start LIGHT and build to WOD weight OPEN & PERFORMANCE“Macho Mile”4 Rounds400 Meter Run3 Rounds of “Macho...Read More