
Eclipse Blog
Are you ready to elevate your CrossFit journey to new heights? Look no further than "The Snatch." Not only does this exercise offer incredible benefits, but mastering it with proper technique is essential. The Snatch is a safe, natural human movement that can help you achieve your fitness goals effectively and efficiently. In this article,...
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So let’s find a way to make those 40 hours better for your body! And I’m not talking about buying a machine that moves your legs for you or a light up water bottle to announce your hydration with a mini rave. Quick simple resets throughout the day can improve your posture, get your blood...
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Have you ever wondered why some exercises stand the test of time, while others fade away? The Air Squat is one such timeless movement. At its core, the Air Squat is a testament to the human body's natural ability to move, bend, and stretch. When done correctly, it not only strengthens and tones your muscles...
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Our girls love Berenstain Bears, we read them just about every night. One of the pieces of wisdom we repeat to the kids regularly is asking if they remember what privilege and responsibility means “Privilege means being allowed to do stuff, and responsibility means not messing up.” Health is a privilege, maintaining it is YOUR...
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It’s so easy to focus on what you haven’t done yet, or in CrossFit what skills you can’t do yet. Doubleunders, toes to bar, 100# snatch, handstand push ups, the list goes on and on. The beauty of CrossFit is the workouts are always different and constantly varied, but that means there are A LOT...
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“It doesn’t get easier, you get better.” We tell this to new members all the time, it’s not that one day you wake up and snatch 200# with no problem while also running a 6 minute mile and can do 100 box jumps unbroken without breaking a sweat. You still feel the same level of...
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Having accountability helps with getting started, helps build the new habit of showing up even when it’s hard. A support team can help keep you going and who doesn’t need a little encouragement sometimes? At Eclipse we check in with new members regularly, make sure they’re keeping up with their stretching and mobility to fight...
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As coaches, we feel the same way when our members achieve new goals and learn a new skill. Me doing a muscle up isn’t exciting anymore, but a new member getting their first pull up? Now that will have me jumping and shouting! So how do our members accomplish their goals and set new PRs?...
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(Spoiler alert: Because we care about them.) We joke about our kid cage, I say I’m going to put a lock on it. I can’t wait until we have an official kid room at the new gym. But it’s (mostly) not to avoid the screams and crying, it’s because I want everyone’s kids safe. I...
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Our main goal at Eclipse is to improve your everyday life. Not achieve a 300# snatch or break a 6 minute mile (although we will definitely cheer you on if you do), but to improve your life every single day. Fitness isn’t a singular achievement, it’s an ever evolving goal that’s unique to each person....
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